Saturday, August 31, 2019


My attention and time were constantly strained by all of the extensive materials required by the courts in this case. Moreover the date of my trial was changed several times dragging through this past summer and all of this is behind me now. Am looking forward to starting college again and experiencing some positive growth in my life and career, ND to also set a good example for my daughter as I am a single parent trying to make a difference.My desired outcome of my financial aid appeal is to be approved which means to have another chance at finishing college because if don't get this chance again I know for a fact that I will never finish college, as work a minimum wage job and have a child to take care of, and I want to better our life. I understand will be put on financial aid probation. I feel very nonevent that I am able to continue my coursework and improve my academic progress.I intend to register and repeat the coursework in the classes that failed. I will also use the assign ment planner to help me stay on track. Am enclosing a part of my divorce decree showing when we got separated and when moved out DCE 201 2 but we were having problems way before that, and my daughters surgery follow up appointment date. Appreciate you time, understanding, and consideration of this request. Thank you in advance.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Analysis of Barclays Bank Essay

Introduction The process of restructuring the telecommunication sector truly got under way in Cameroon in June 1995, when the authorities decided thoroughly to reform network industry sectors such as water, electricity and telecommunications with a view to creating a favourable environment in which to develop their infrastructure and services and thus to satisfy increasingly exigent demand. The process took the form of liberalization, State withdrawal from the sectors concerned and the establishment of a  market structure enabling Cameroon to remain in step with the especially rapid global developments in the telecommunication sector; indeed, in spite of the investments made, the coverage rate and quality of service offered had remained largely inadequate. The process was carried out not only by defining the conditions and mechanisms liable to guarantee the sector’s opening to private initiative, but also by enacting regulations and taking measures intended to enable the sector to play t he decisive role incumbent on it in Cameroon’s economic development. Telecommunication sector reform in Cameroon is not limited to the establishment of new regulations and legislation, to the revision of the institutional framework and the establishment of an interconnection regime or to the introduction of competition. It should also comprise bringing behaviour in line with the times. One of our chief concerns is therefore also effective application of the regulations with a view to fulfilling the universal service obligation, ensuring consumer protection and providing for effective and appropriate regulation of true competition. The acquisition of the required know-how is the biggest challenge we face. The institutional players on Cameroon’s telecommunications scene are, as in many other African countries, of the opinion that any society that delays in jumping on the NTIC train will remain mired in a state of underdevelopment. Observations Background Before 1990, as in most African countries, telecommunication services were managed by a national publicly-owned monopoly. The administration in charge of telecommunications set the rules, ensured they were applied and was itself an operator. The results did not always live up to expectations. In June 1990, the President of the Republic signed the order on the programme to privatize public and semi-public enterprises. The telecommunication sector was added to the programme in June 1995. In July 1998, law 98/014 governing telecommunications in Cameroon (the Telecommunications Act) was promulgated. It established the Telecommunication Regulatory Agency and attributed sector responsibilities to a variety of players: the operation of  telecommunication networks to operators, regulatory matters, i.e. application of the rules and supervision of operators, to a regulatory body, the definition of sector policy and the enactment of market regulations to the telecommunication administration. In September of the same year, two public enterprises, CAMTEL for the fixed telephone service and CAMTEL MOBILE for the mobile telephone service, were set up to take over the telecommunication activities of the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications and of the public enterprise INTELCAM, which was in charge of operating and developing international telecommunication installations. The Telecommunication Regulatory Agency was set up at the  same time. Immediately after, the sale of a mobile telephone licence and the process of privatizing CAMTEL and CAMTEL MOBILE got under way. In June 1999, a mobile telephone licence was granted to a private enterprise. The privatization of CAMTEL MOBILE was completed in February 2000. The privatization of CAMTEL is not yet complete. A third mobile telephone licence is to be issued. In less than two years, the sector has undergone sweeping change. Suffice it to mention one indicator: in January 2000 there was one mobile telephone operator with about 5 000 subscribers; on 31 March 2001 there were two operators with over 140 000 subscribers. This rapid and in-depth transformation is taking place within a constantly improving legal framework. II A liberal legal framework The development of new technologies and liberalization have permitted access to new telecommunication services which, depending on their specific natures, require appropriate regulation. The Telecommunications Act sets forth a new regulatory framework, opening the telecommunication sector to competition. The framework, which distinguishes between public and private networks, provides for three legal arrangements: concessions, authorizations  and declarations. 1 Concessions The State can grant one or several public or private corporate bodies all or part of its rights to establish and/or operate telecommunication networks. The concession is subject to strict compliance with the requirements set forth in a list of terms and conditions. This arrangement allows the State not only to keep a watchful eye on the harmonious development of modern telecommunication infrastructure, but also and above all to heighten its control over the development and supply of the basic services and facilities us ually demanded by the majority of users. 2 Authorizations The arrangement of prior authorization applies to the establishment and/or operation of telecommunication networks by physical persons or corporate bodies with a view to providing the public with a basic telecommunication service, a value-added service, a bearer service or any other service by using one or several radio frequencies. A list of terms and conditions containing the requirements to be met is attached to the licence issued to the bearer of a prior authorization. The authorization is issued for a fixed period and can be withdrawn under certain circumstances. 3 Declarations Declarations apply to the establishment of private internal networks, low-range and low-capacity private independent networks (that are not radio networks), low-range and low-capacity radio installations (to be determined  by the Administration), and the provision to the public of telecommunication services other than those subject to the arrangements of concession and authorization. Telecommunication terminal equipment is either freely provided or subject to type-approval. Certain provisions of the Telecommunications Act are detailed in decrees and implementing legislation. We shall not examine all of them here; indeed, some of them are still being drafted. The reform in Cameroon established the separation between the regulatory and operating functions. It works in favour of operators being entities controlled by private capital. The general framework for competition is governed by legislation on competition. The legal framework is supplemented by institutions. III 1 A revised institutional framework The telecommunication administration Spectrum management and the legislation and regulations relating to telecommunications are the exclusive domain of the State. The telecommunication administration has been invested, on behalf of the government, with general jurisdiction over the sector. It sets the general regulatory framework. It therefore establishes and implements telecommunication sector policy, whose aim must be to safeguard the missions of public service, to promote harmonious network development throughout the national territory and effective private sector participation in the sector’s wealth and employment-generating activities, and to ensure compliance by all operators with the applicable treaties, laws and regulations. In addition, the administration supervises the telecommunication sector, oversees public telecommunication enterprises, represents the State at international telecommunication-related organizations and events, and manages the radio spectrum on behalf of the State. The Telecommunication Regulatory Agency, which technically answers to the telecommunication administration, is the specialized body in charge of  facilitating actual application of the regulations issued. 2 The Telecommunication Regulatory Agency The organization of the Telecommunication Regulatory Agency established by the Telecommunications Act is set forth in decree No. 98/197 of 8 September 1998. The Agency has three main duties: – to ensure the regulations are implemented; – to guarantee respect for the regulations and the exercise of competition; – to settle certain disputes between operators. The Agency’s regulatory authority is subject to performance of the following activities: – definition of the principles governing tariffs for services; – examination of requests for authorization and declaration and of type-approval files for terminal equipment to be connected to public networks; – establishment of principles for calculating interconnection costs; – establishment and management of numbering plans; – management of the frequencies attributed to telecommunications; – submission to the government of proposals aimed at developing and modernizing the sector; – opinions on draft legislative and regulatory texts concerning telecommunications; – control and penalties for infractions. The Agency is specifically competent to settle disputes concerning interconnection, access to a public network, numbering, cases of harmful interference, and sharing of infrastructure. The Telecommunications Act provides the Agency with a quasi-judicial body and an arbitration procedure can be set in motion should one or the other of the parties be opposed. The parties remain free to bring their case before the competent court. IV Human resources Human resources are the key to management and progress, for they have knowledge, that rarest of economic commodities in the 21st century. The current transition from a monopoly environment to that of controlled competition has given rise to new demands in terms of basic knowledge and know- how in telecommunication regulation. Telecommunication leaders and staff in Cameroon were still dealing with the transition from analogue to digital when circuit switching was suddenly replaced by packet switching. This recent change has reshaped the concept and definition of telecommunication networks and services. Everything must therefore be done to make sure the human resources acquire the skills they need for their own development and that of companies, which create wealth for the well-being of peoples. The Ecole Nationale Supà ©rieure des Postes et Tà ©là ©communications, an independent facility run by the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, provides basic instruction in telecommunications and ICT to technicians (technical and operating staff), supervising technicians (operating technicians and supervisors) and senior technical managers (works engineers and operating inspectors). It plans to organize standing professional certification for the staff of public and private enterprises and of the public administrations in charge of telecommunications and ICT. V International cooperation Cameroon has always been present and active in regional and international telecommunication organizations. It is a member of the Administrative Councils of both the African Telecommunication Union (ATU) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). It has had very few bilateral exchanges of experience and information with other African countries. The ineffectiveness of regional (ATU) and subregional organizations (CAPTAC) has precluded the launch at subregional level of cooperation activities aimed at developing telecommunications in Cameroon. At the international level, ITU  has not been closely involved in telecommunication sector reform. In the past eight years, it has provided some technical assistance but otherwise almost no support for telecommunication development projects in Cameroon, possibly because the Area Office in Yaoundà © is not functioning. The capacities of the Area Office in Yaoundà © should be reinforced. Its main duties should be: – To disseminate ITU documents and information in the area. For this, it should have the means required to provide the documentation centres of the main players in each of the area’s countries with the documents and books needed to acquire knowledge in telecommunications and ICT, for most of the sector’s African managers will have to teach themselves. In this respect, hard as opposed to electronic copies remain invaluable in Africa.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Chekhov the Fox and Visions of Transcendent Humanity

Chekhov the Fox and Visions of Transcendent Humanity Anton Chekhov might look like a hedgehog when he returns time and again to the theme of universal humanity and its future path. But Chekhov as ‘the humanist writer’ does not really work towards a unified concept of mankind’s ultimate fate. Rather, the thinking men in his stories and plays present their own diverging and overlapping visions of human purpose. In a most Chekhovian manner, these perspectives are often frustrated or denied by the essential incommunicability of each man’s point of view. It then seems that Chekov’s narrative voice is more suited to the fox’s role, as it presents a polyphonic and individually refutable set of perspectives on a common theme. For some of Chekhov’s characters, the fate of man is fixed and predetermined, for others it is the uncertain product of generations’ toil. For some there is a religious drive to improving the current lot of humanity, and for others it is a biological or social imperat ive. Chekhov’s restless exploration of what humanity’s future means to different people proves that he would rather celebrate the philosophical diversity of his zeitgeist than constrain the intellectual developments of his age to a single framework. Perhaps the most tellingly individualized view of humanity’s future in a Chekhov text is found in The Seagull. Kostya’s notion of the â€Å"World Soul† is an abstracted and dramatized vision of the standard Western theological and philosophical trope of mankind’s convergent destiny. Whether expressed in the biblical model of the rapture, in the political ideal of manifest destiny, or in the latest theories of a technological singularity, there has been a throughline in Western thought that structures humanity’s future as a unified turn to the greater good. Kostya’s play-within-a-play defines his version of this fateful unity as the â€Å"dreams of what will be two hundred thousand years from now† (99). Nina’s character introduces herself as an allegorical projection of unified life in a lifeless world: â€Å"The bodies of all living things having turned to dust, eternal matter has transformed them into stones, water, clouds, and all their souls have merged into one. That great world soul – is I† (100). Then she speaks of the predestined action of this unified force: â€Å"in the cruel, persistent struggle with the devil, the principle of the forces of matter, I am destined to be victorious; then matter and spirit shall merge in glorious harmony† (101). However muddled or phantasmagorically contrived it comes across to his fictional audience, Kostya’s authorial voice tells Chekhov’s audience that the ultimate goal of humanity is to religiously transcend the physical realm. Whether or not Kostya himself literally believes in such a goal does not matter, his writing nevertheless produces that individual view of human transcendence. Kostya introduces this transcendence as inevitable and out of the influence of currently living humans, in contrast with the views of some other Chekhov characters. Doctor Astrov, in Uncle Vanya, expresses the opposing opinion most strongly, taking personal responsibility for the future of the environment and, by extension, human happiness: â€Å"Man is endowed with reason and creative powers . . . I realize that the climate is somewhat in my power, and that if, a thousand years from now, mankind is happy, I shall be responsible for that too, in a small way† (175), Likewise, Vershinin in The Three Sisters, argues that his â€Å"dream . . . of the life that will come after us† in â€Å"a thousand years – the time doesn’t matter† will arise because humans are â€Å"living for it now, working . . . suffering, and creating it† (264). This argument is against Tuzenbach’s assertion that there will be no such transcendent future, regardless o f whether modern man works for it or not: â€Å"Not only in two or three hundred years, but in a million years, life will be just the same as it always was† (265). The fox-like attributes of Chekhov’s oeuvre are evident in the way his characters’ conflicting opinions contribute to an intertextual argument on a specific strand of philosophy. If Chekhov were a hedgehog, his dramas might then guide this argument towards one triumphant vision of human destiny. Instead, the armchair philosophers in The Three Sisters give no finality to the subject, with Vershinin concluding that â€Å"in any case, it’s a pity youth is over† and Tuzenbach saying â€Å"It’s difficult arguing with you, friends! Well, let it go† (266). Astrov becomes disillusioned with his own argument, telling Elena that is that â€Å"there’s nothing to understand, it’s simply uninteresting† (201). And most disappointingly, Kostya’s play is seen only as â€Å"decadent ravings† by his audience of family members (102). Chekhov’s great dramas define him as a fox because they not only develop many angles of his philosophical theme, but also present each distinct approach to the subject in the utterly fallible voice of a fictional character. As with many Chekhovian short story characters, the thin kers in these plays find that their lofty opinions count for naught when they cannot be properly communicated to another person. This trend denies the ultimate validity of each fictional viewpoint, such that even if there were consensus between all characters in different plays on the subject of humanity’s common future, it would still be impossible to pinpoint a singular perspective running through Chekhov’s theatrical work. The short stories that introduce variant perspectives on universal humanity are even more telling of Chekhov’s ‘foxiness.’ Their third-person narrative forms allow the author to more explicitly point out the incomprehensibility, and hence illegitimacy, of a character’s opinion to anyone outside of his personal perspective. The Black Monk features the most exaggerated instance of this narrative technique. Kovrin’s apparition descends upon him to explain that he is a divinely chosen genius whose work will lead manki nd â€Å"some thousands of years earlier into the kingdom of eternal truth† (35). Combining Kostya’s vision of religious transcendence with Astrov’s belief in the necessity of individual labor, the Black Monk’s divine mandate represents yet another strain of â€Å"the immortality of man† that is pursued literally and as a symbol of mortal progress throughout much of Chekhov’s fiction (35). The narrative, however, makes it clear that this belief is not to be taken at face value, because it originates, exists, and is expressible solely in the mind of its one believer. After accepting the mantle of genius, Kovrin questions the man that he knows to be a hallucination, â€Å"What do you mean by eternal truth?† and the third-person narrator proclaims that â€Å"the monk did not answer. Kovrin looked at him and could not distinguish his face. His features grew blurred and misty. Then the monk’s head and arms disappeared; his body seemed merged into the seat and the evening twilight, and he vanished altogether† (36). We see here that Kovrin’s vision of universal humanity is not even fully formed, because his ghostly guide disappears without revealing to him its entire meaning, thus introducing doubt to the reader that Kovrin is capable of pursuing such a vision. Throughout the story of The Black Monk, Kovrin and the narrator both acknowledge that th e titular spirit exists only in the mind of the overworked philosopher. That narrative position, combined with the fevered, imperfect nature of Kovrin’s convictions, connotes the incommunicability of a personal belief in human transcendence. Whereas theatre allows characters to say aloud thoughts with which the audience or the author are clearly intended to disagree, narrative fiction enables the reader to see a viewpoint that is invalidated even further by its deviation from consensus reality. The incommunicability of transcendental belief can also be found in the thematic subtext of two earlier Chekhov stories, Dreams and Gusev. It’s interesting to note that in Dreams Chekhov’s characters locate the impossible, shared vision of perfected humanity in the distant past rather than the future: â€Å"have these visions of a life of liberty come down to them . . . as an inheritance from their remote, wild ancestors? God only knows!† (48). Here is another testament to Chekhov’s foxiness; between texts, he radically varies the specifics of their common philosophical theme. Dreams features the focalized ponderings of an odd tramp who sets the tone for the story when he says of the inexplicable motives of his mother: â€Å"She was a godly woman, but who can say? The soul of another is a dark forest† (45). As he is escorted through a literal dark forest, the tramp quixotically attempts to communicate to his soldier captors the vision of freedom and brotherhood that has taken root in his own soul. But, being in a Chekhov story, he travels one step forward and two steps back in pursuit of this merging of perspectives. The tramp succeeds at first in getting the soldiers’ imaginations to join his in â€Å"painting for them pictures of a free life which they have never lived† (48). But then, because â€Å"perhaps he is jealous of the vagrant’s visionary happiness† one of the â€Å"evil-boding fellow travelers† starts to argue against the realism of the tramp’s utopian escape (48). The shared vision fails because the soldiers cannot â€Å"force their minds to grasp what perhaps God alone can conceive of: the terrible expanse that lies between them and that land of freedom† (48). Here, Chekhov suggests another possibility for why these dreams of human transcendence are impossible to uphold – besides the madness, disillusionment, or indifference of the dreamer. It may simply be out of the scope of human cognition to share an understanding of the struggle needed to reach a perfect world. Gusev contains no explicit reference to a vision of mankind’s ultimate goal, but it does share with the other texts a humanist message that is denied by miscommunication. Pavel Ivanych, a righteous dying man, attempts to impress upon the titular soldier that his conscription is inhumane, for â€Å"it is not plans that matter but human life. You have only one life to live and it musn’t be wronged† (256). Gusev fails to grasp the metaphysical implications of the injustice pointed out by Pavel Ivanych and seeks only to argue that the specific duties of his conscription are not too harsh. This intellectual disconnect between the two men is established earlier in the story, when in response to Pavel Ivanych’s diatribes against those he sees responsible for human suffering, it can only be said that â€Å"Gusev does not understand Pavel Ivanych; thinking that he is being reprimanded, he [responds] in self-justification† (255). Pavel Ivanych, like the tramp before him, and Kovrin and the dramatic figures after him, is a true Chekhovian humanist. All his attempts to share his belief in the proper way of living are frustrated by the uniqueness of his way of thinking. Chekhov the fox shows yet another way for a humanist vision to be denied: it is the surrounding environment of petty minds and morals that makes Pavel Ivanych’s quest for common humanity a self-defeating one.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The competitive structure of British airports with reference to BAA Essay

The competitive structure of British airports with reference to BAA - Essay Example More particularly, the Competition Commission has made are geared its findings towards making the BAA to be more competitive. Background BAA was privatized in 1980. This was in response to proposals by the Governments Review of Economic Regulations that sought to bring changes to operations of UK Civil Aviation Authority. Furthermore, the proposed amendments have been for the sake of widening the scope of competition at the airport as well as making the ground be more even. In the recent past, due to these proposals, the sector has seen major changes in terms of structure and becoming more flexible to respond to market demands and competition. Competition has also been necessitated by BAA’s disposal of Gatwick airport to Global Infrastructure Partners. Besides, there is a wider legal framework that is being applied in all other sectors to encourage free hand in business. For instance, the Competition Act 1998, Utilities Act of 2000 and the Communications Act of 2003 have creat ed a platform that promotes fair competition.. This has further gone a long way to diminish its share of passengers and airlines in the South East. To make the market perform optimally, there is more need for BAA to divest some of its holding in other air business corporations so as to completely free up the market. Nevertheless, the future of airports business is likely to be better due to the changing market environment (Doganis, 1992). The present competitive structure of British airports Since the process of liberalization of the air industry gained progress, the sector has witnessed tremendous rise in domestic flights as well as demand for flights for European and intercontinental routes. Despite this space of freedom, there still exists some of form of regulation. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to establish the level of competition that truly exists as well as explore the precise consequences to the current and future air market. Types of markets Theoretically, there are three types of market as far as competition is concerned. Firstly, there is monopoly. This is one of the oldest forms of market where there is only one seller or buyer who has power to control the prices of commodities. In this market, he is the price setter and shall invariably do that to his advantage. This market is characterized by a number of imperfections that typically result in to negative social costs to consumers. It is also a common feature for traders in this market to report abnormal profits. Due to liberalization, in UK there is a limited number of industries that have monopolistic tendencies. According to Competitions Commission, there is need for economic regulation in such conditions so as to reduce the economic excesses that result from monopoly. Secondly, there is an oligopolistic market, that is a market that is controlled by a few market players (sellers or buyers), who habitually, agree on the price to charge for their goods and services. Just like monopol y, this market system can be quite oppressive. The British airports market can aptly fall under this category. Scholars and policy formulators do converge to a verity that in this condition, there is need for regulator intervention to make the ground fairer. Finally, there is a perfect competition that, incidentally, has dominated the majority of UK

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Geosynchronous Satellite Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Geosynchronous Satellite - Assignment Example Through this, the country can intensify the defense itself against terrorism and other attacks. Meteorologists can also monitor the weather conditions by using these GEO satellites, and this information can help pilots to plan their travel plans in a way that the weather will not affect their journeys. Also, its helps businesspersons to communicate effectively hence making them aware of the market for their products. Additionally, the effects of the ozone layer can be monitored through the GEO satellites and adequate measures taken to curb the health effects related to the destruction of the ozone layer. In GEO satellites, they are meant to stay there for life, and this will help future generations with artistic history from ancient times, that will live longer than humans will. This can be retrieved from the storage units of these satellites. Spiritually, the GEO satellites help religions to communicate with fellow worshipers all over the world and plan spiritual meetings. Thus, this assists the world to be united spiritually hence bringing about peace to its inhabitants (Breunig & Zlatanova, 2011). The need to respond to these natural human factors in a comprehensive manner affected the developed of a GEO satellite that could serve numerous purposes ranging from monitoring the weather to ensuring the security of a nation. GEO satellites were formed to stay far above the ground so that they cannot be tampered with and will a good view of the globe from all corners of the world. They contain rechargeable batteries that are charged by the sun hence they will always be working all day and night. This will ensure all this human factors are monitored all day and even at night when no one is watching, these satellites will capture all happenings and the responsive action taken whenever an issue arises. a) The Geosynchronous satellite has greatly influenced the population growth, lifespan/mortality and health in a great way. This has been achieved by the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Marketing New Product Development Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Marketing New Product Development - Case Study Example The market target may be too small to reflect adequate profits. For the significant success of a product, the market should be large enough to make huge sales. Another major reason for product failure is quality. A product that does not meet customer satisfaction is prone to failure. Every good released into the market must be effective enough to meet the customers’ needs. In addition, the product may not offer any significant improvement in the product already available in the market. Most customers would go for a new product if it offers better features or solves the problems witnessed in the current ones in the market. Some products may meet customer needs but have little access to the market. A good example is the case of small companies that may have a difficult time penetrating a market that is dominated by big competitive companies. This can be seen with the failure of Microsoft Zune. Such issues arise from lack of proper competitive analysis. Small companies face difficulty in budgeting and meeting the demands of the marketing plan. It is especially because of over optimization about the marketing plan at hand. Poor budgeting may lead the company to have a problem of pricing too. Since the budgeting consumed a lot of funds, the firm may try to recover it by offering unreasonable pricing for the commodity. In addition, the firms may run out of money before testing the product completely. The firms decide to test the products on the customers directly and end up flopping. Marketers have learned that there is no available remedy that can act as a quick fix for all market flops. However, there are steps that firms can take to increase their odds of new product success. Companies should have a clear understanding of the market, competitors, and consumers of the products.  

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Global Warming Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 6

Global Warming - Research Paper Example Furthermore, certain agricultural and waste management practices worsen the problem by releasing other global warming gases that are potent such as nitrous oxide and methane. Global warming has both positive and negative effects to human beings and ecosystem as a whole. According to BÃ ¶hringer et al, several studies, shows that the global temperature shows a warming trend. Consequently, based on scientific studies of ice cores, coral reefs and tree rings; a result about the global temperatures increasing is made. Furthermore, starting from the Industrial Revolution in the mid of 1700s, the global average temperatures has increased with emphasize in the past several decades. According to World Meteorological Organization, temperature of global land surface has been ranked warmest from records calculated since 1880. Furthermore, global average temperature has increased over the last century by more than 1Â °F (0.7Â °C). Consequently, the 2001-2010 decade is the warmest since 1880. Actually, nine of the warmest recorded years happened in just the last 10 years. Moreover, this warming has come with a decrease in very cold days and nights and an increase in real hot days and warm nights. For instance; United States, has since recorded daily highs tw ice as frequently recorded daily lows from 2000 to 2009. Consequently, the record shows that some areas of the world are warming at a high rate than others. Generally, the long-term global upward trend is clear. There are signs of global warming seen in the North Pole there include; Sea ice melting, the tundra warming up, glaciers in retreat, some species becoming endangered and disappearing significantly and the sea level rising. According to U.S Geology Survey (2007), it is estimated that changes in sea ice conditions will led to an extinction of nearly 50% of bear’s population in 2050. Naturally, land and

Business in Context (N) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Business in Context (N) - Essay Example The reason that matters underneath is the economic power shift from the leading western countries to the emerging eastern countries. The BRIC received its name from Goldman chief Jim O’Neil in 2001 and since then it has continuously been in the bull’s-eye category of economists in predicting future changes and suggesting remedies to the suffering economies. Most of the economists and analysts have already stated that by 2050, the BRIC economy especially China is going to be the biggest economy in the world (Economy Watch. 2010). This makes the reason for UK economy to consider the growth of BRIC economies and rethink its future perspective to face this global challenge. To work as a fuel to the matter, the GDP rate of UK was recorded to be $1.5, while on the context the GDP ratings for BRIC economies were standing at a height of $5.2, $4.3, $8.5 and $6.8 respectively in 2007 and is estimated to be $2.0 for UK, $3.1 for Brazil, $3.2 for Russia, $5.0 for India and $4.6 for China. Therefore it can be seen, in both the period’s figures are in favour of BRIC nations and certainly at a high volume compared to UK. As such, the concern regarding BRIC economies are quite justified (Hawksworth & Cookson, 2008). The world economic power for a long period of time had been concentrated upon three powerful economic regions i.e. USA, Japan and European Union. These three are recognised as Triad Region. The power of economy has with time been spread across the world and has transpired in the hands of the BRIC countries. The power shift of economies to be noted is not only affecting UK economy but it is also changing the prospects of other developed western economies like USA, Canada, and Australia. But the reason why only UK economy is under so much pressure is because of the fact that at the initial stage when all the other economies were on a mindset to enjoy the mounting opportunities served by these

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Can the President persuade The Supreme Court to support his policy Essay

Can the President persuade The Supreme Court to support his policy positions - Essay Example ping part of the President is paradoxical since Americans take pleasure in the fact that America is a government of laws and no one in its constitutional system, not even the President, is above the law. The fact that the President is at the same time dependent on constitutional law and is a creator of constitutional law of course creates unease and problems. Government lawyers, and principally the Solicitor General of the USA, are unavoidably caught up in the conflicts produced by the Presidents tentative association with the Supreme Court. However, scholars have suggested three normative theories how government lawyers, especially the Solicitor General, should determine the Presidents and the Courts sharply contrasting constitutional outlooks. Of course, some claim that government lawyers ought to take their lead from the President (See McGinnis, 1992)1, others believe they must take their lead from the Court (See Caplan, 1987)2, and still others, such as former Solicitor General Charles Fried, that they should act as partly independent Burkean representatives "elected" by the President to "represent" him before the Court (See Fried, 1991)3. The thorny relationship between the President and the Supreme Court concerning the development of constitutional law has different consequences for different individuals who happen to be government lawyers at any given point in time. A major principle of US constitutional system is that the President and his colleagues are conditional on the same laws that bind typical private citizens. The Constitution itself assumes as much since it requires the President to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution" (U.S. Const. art. II, 1, cl. 7)4 and to "take [c]are that the [l]aws be faithfully executed" (U.S. Const. art. II, 3)5. In addition, the Constitution authorizes the trial of all executive branch officials, except possibly for the President, and even he can be impeached after leaving office. In the Steel Seizure Case

Friday, August 23, 2019

The Five Forces by Michael Porter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The Five Forces by Michael Porter - Essay Example This model distinguished the strength of rivalry and hence the revenues and attractiveness of an industry. Five Forces Model can be utilized as an instrument to enhance a strategic edge over the rivalry of companies inside an industry in a competitive manner. The Five Forces Model is as follow (Bowers et al, 1990): The characteristics of these forces provide the companies the appropriate framework to give them the ability to create the necessary strategies in order to be successful in the industry (Thurby, 1998). To provide an in-depth review of the industry where a company dwells, the researcher will use Porter's five forces model (Campbell et al, 2002). The model of pure competition implies that risk-adjusted rates of return should be constant across firms and industries. However, numerous economic studies have affirmed that different industries can sustain different levels of profitability; part of this difference is explained by industry structure. Michael Porter provided a framework that models an industry as being influenced by five forces (Cemal and Keskin, 2003). The strategic business manager seeking to develop an edge over rival firms can use this model to better understand the industry context in which the firm operates. The discussion will be initially covered by the description of the buyer's power over the industry followed by the depiction of the power of suppliers over the companies (David, 1999). Another attribute of the industry that will be taken into account is the intens ity of competition among companies as well as the level of potency of new companies who have recently entered the market of retail. And finally, the ability of substitute product to affect the business disposition of a company will also be taken into consideration (David, 2001). Buyer's Power Based on Porter's five forces analysis, companies in the industry sell to a few large customers/buyers (Downes, 1999). Likewise, the industry also displays an apparent impracticality for customers/buyers to switch from one source of supply to another. This is reflected by the cost of raw materials as well as the costs of operations. Moreover, the products offered by companies in the industry are essentially interchangeable and indistinguishable (Gratton, 1999). The product

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Transformational Leader Essay Example for Free

Transformational Leader Essay The entire world has been caught up in the events leading up to the 2008 United States Presidential election. The selection of Barack Obama as America’s first African American President, and his highly effective campaign, provides us with a prime example of the power of transformational leadership, and the means by which change occurs. The notion of transformational leadership is not just pertinent, however, to the worlds of politics and the community. It is highly relevant to the corporate world and organizations as well. While Obama’s ethnicity is obviously noteworthy and is a large part of what makes this election so significant, there is another critically important component of this moment which people have a tendency to ignore. It has to do with the transformation that has taken place in the minds of voters in the US and the hearts of people around the world. The change that has occurred is a direct result of the President-elect’s ability to inspire change. He didn’t change the people themselves, which would be impossible. What he did change was the way they see the world and their place in it. Business leaders operate under similar circumstances because they also must engage employees and inspire them to feel a part of an organization. Transformational leadership involves more than charisma and emotion. It involves more than giving good speeches and making people feel good. In his hallmark definition of the term James MacGregor Burns coined the term transformational leadership as â€Å"leaders inducing followers to act for certain goals that represent the values and the motivations the wants and needs, the aspirations and expectations of both leaders and followers.† [Italics original] The leader is not merely wielding power, but appealing to the values of the follower. In this sense, values mean, â€Å"A principle, standard, or quality regarded as worthwhile or desirable,† (Webster’s New Riverside University Dictionary). Burns insists that for leaders to have the greatest impact on the â€Å"led,† they must motivate followers to action by appealing to shared values and by satisfying the higher order needs of the led, such as their aspirations and expectations. He said, â€Å". . . transforming leadership ultimately becomes moral in that it raises the level of human conduct and ethical aspiration of both leader and the led, and thus it has a transforming effect on both.† Change doesn’t just happen. It needs an impetus. Einstein in his Theory of Relativity applied the laws of physics to matter and we can apply this theory to universal behavior. As force is applied to an object in the direction of motion, the object gains momentum and gains energy. President-elect Obama was the force for change; he introduced a new direction that would address the needs as he saw it. In order for the notion of transformational leadership to be relevant, three elements must be present: 1) A Clearly Articulated Vision 2) Statements that Inspire People to Connect; and 3) A Detailed Plan to Execute. 1) A Clearly Articulated Vision The history of the world is replete with examples of charismatic leaders who have led their nations and a cause. The names of Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi, Napoleon Bonaparte Julius Caesar, Mao Tse-tung, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr., Winston Churchill and Franklin Delano Roosevelt evoke tremendous feeling. The Industrial Revolution also evokes thoughts regarding the titans of industry like Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Alexander Graham Bell and JP Morgan who had an incontrovertible and formative impact on that era. The vision that was articulated by the individuals in these two categories, the ability to inspire people to connect and the plans that were executed to make the vision a reality is indisputable. In the present, we may not know the names of all of the transformational leaders who are making change in their sector, but it certainly is happening. Apple, Google, Tata Motors, Carrefour, and Toyota, for example, are having an undeniable global impact on our everyday behavior and interaction. Apple’s iPod, for example, has revolutionized the way we think about listening to music, the way we purchase music, the way we share music, and even the way we define our personal space. The question for business leaders within organizations such as Apple is how to achieve the multiplier effect of this leadership pattern in order to bring about continuous innovation and improvement? How do we replicate this leadership pattern at the department and team level in order to generate change in every sector of an organization? How do we grow transformational leaders so they can rise to the positions of influence to positively impact organizational change? Transformational leadership must occur throughout the organization, not just at the top, in order to bring about the full synergistic effect. For example, when a CEO articulates the vision of a company, it is up to the global presidents and department vice presidents to execute the vision. But they must also be able to communicate that vision in a way which translates into local or regional needs. People must buy into the vision and relate it to â€Å"what’s in it for me.† To the extent that they do this, the overall vision becomes more compelling. This starts the process of aligning the vision and connecting it to local needs and desires. A clearly articulated vision must have in it the elements which point to a better way for dealing with the present and the future. It must provide a context to address the most pressing issues in a manner which is innovative and compelling. Innovative because any change strategy needs to outline what will be different from the status quo. It must be compelling because it must be believable. People must feel that this vision will definitely lead to a better way of doing things. 2) Statements that Inspire People to Connect The most powerful visions also are those which have a few words that are easily understood and restated. This eases the communication process and enables everyone to embrace the vision as their own. In the 21st century a brief statement is marketing sin qua non. In others words, it is essential to excellent communications. As transformational leaders seek to communicate their vision using various venues, they begin to appreciate the marketing challenge of disseminating their message out and ensuring comprehension of their message. In 1964 Marshall McLuhan coined the phrase The medium is the message meaning that the form of a medium embeds itself in the message, creating a symbiotic relationship by which the medium influences how the message is perceived, creating subtle change over time. 21st century transformational leaders ignore the medium at their peril. In order to give a vision the wings it needs to travel, it must Inspire People to Connect. This is when a vision really begins to come alive. It comes alive because people believe that the vision will take them from where they are to where they want to be. In organizations it means that employees can begin to align to a better way of doing their work; reaching their customers or constituencies; and providing the goods and services which will make them more effective, productive and profitable. When people connect on a cognitive and emotional level it begins to move them to action. This action contains the seeds for producing change. Einstein stated that â€Å"no problem can be solved with the same type of thinking that created it†. Inspiring people with a different message gives them an alternative way to approach their challenges. It is this connective element that provides the momentum to a vision and gives it longevity. It is this connective element that enables people to align with each other in a different way to meet their challenges. By connecting with the vision they are also reenergized to act. When we talk about motivation this is where it begins. People are motivated to act and engage differently because they can connect to something new, innovative and inspiring. Obama’s incredibly effective â€Å"Yes We Can† slogan is a great example of how a simple statement can encompass a lofty inspirational theme, yet still pertain to day to day action. The slogan was simple, inspirational, easy to remember, and resonated on a number of levels regardless of one’s unique personal circumstances. Furthermore, Barack Obama and his team revolutionized the way they used the internet to connect their vision to people. They provided a continuous stream of messages via mobile phone, internet, the web and countless other technological mediums in a personalized manner practically every day for two years! You always felt that the vision was on top of mind and that they were speaking directly to you. Every message had your name on it. You didn’t feel you were part of a mass communication campaign. The messages were simple, informative and compelled you to action. Corporate transformational leaders need to embrace these same innovative techniques if they are to connect with the workforce of today. This type of connection or engagement is crucial to attracting and retaining high potential workers. When workers are fully engaged, a noted Gallup study of Oct 2006 indicates, they are more motivated and more productive. Specifically engaged employees work with passion and have a profound connection to their organization. They drive innovation and move their organization forward. Unfortunately, not enough attention is paid to how people connect to a vision. They must go through a process of enrolling with the vision so that they feel it is their own. In essence, a vision connects when people internalize it and say that it is not just someone else’s vision, it is their own. This feeling of ownership is crucial to success. By implementing goal alignment processes, organizations can involve every department in the effort. Individual departments need to know tactically what their role is in contributing to the greater good. They must feel that this vision will definitely enhance their way of performing and interacting. When they have this ownership, then they are motivated to act in different ways. This engagement is directly correlated to employee retention as staff will leave an organization when they can’t get their needs met, and they feel that they don’t identify with the way things are done and with the values or vision of the organization. In short, just having a vision statement will not achieve results. 3) A Detailed Plan to Execute In order to increase the ownership process, one has to move from â€Å"what â€Å"and â€Å"why† to â€Å"how†. Transformation falls short when this is not in place. Invariably many great plans fall apart at the connect points. A critical connecting point is a detailed plan to execute the vision. This begins to complete the circle. It is no surprise that when you have a wonderfully articulated vision, people will then want to see how it works. For many, this is the litmus test of whether the vision is a good one or bad one! Consequently, transformational leaders must help people understand that their vision is just the starting point. They must articulate the complete process that individuals must go through to make true change a reality. During the transition period, it is easy for people to get discouraged because the path to a new future can be difficult to see and follow at times. There must be constant communication and education along the way to keep people focused on the goal. The vision becomes a compass leading people through the turbulent times. Conclusion Indeed change can happen in any organization when there are transformational leaders who clearly articulate the vision; inspire people to connect to the vision and detail the plans in order to achieve the vision. It is this type of leadership that will bring about true innovation, productivity and employee satisfaction as organizations strive to be relevant on a global basis. The success of the Obama campaign was not magic. It relied on a disciplined approach articulating the vision, inspiring people to connect to it, along with a plan of execution. This same pattern can be duplicated in the business world on an organization-wide level. And if done correctly, it can yield awesome results from the entry level to the corporate suites. The challenges in front of us demand no less. Turning middle managers into transformational leadersIn these turbulent times, nearly every organization is facing the need to transform to survive or thrive.The concept of Transformational Leadership (TL), which plays a direct role in creating change, establishing a vision, and giving confidence to employees to explore new directions, therefore becomes popular once again in management development.By Uwe Napiersky, Business Psychologist Learning Architect, PhD.The transformational leaders Undergoing such development empowers an organization to greatly exceed previous levels of accomplishment. The transformational leaders are able to challenge and motivate an entire organisation – top to bottom. They care about people and want people to succeed. Th e result is individual, group, and organizational achievement and morale. Many organisations consider the transformational approach of leadership as a revitalisation to increase competitiveness, sustain growth and to develop their talents further (remember the war for talent hasn’t stopped!).Instead of exercising formal authority and power over others resulting from a manager’s formal position in the hierarchy, empowering and enabling people is a key behaviour. The approach represents positive values like quality, performance, respect and fairness.To create a culture of high performance, where everyone in the  organisation is consistently working together to improve performance, not only top management needs to exercise transformational behaviour, but the middle management does as well. Leadership needs to be demonstrated at times by everyone in the organisation. How can middle Managers develop Transformational Leadership? 1. A change of mindset 2. Development of new (transformational) behaviours 3. Three fundamentals for the design of a transformation process in the organization. 1. A change of mindsetFrom organizing work and â€Å"doing things right† to motivating, inspiring and coaching Typically technical professionals, with e. g. engineering, IT, finance or scientific background are promoted to positions in middle management. Entry and middle management roles mainly consist of task oriented behaviours like planning budgets, setting priorities, controlling and solving problems etc. which are often summarized as â€Å"doing things right†; This is known as a â€Å"transactional† management mindset.This kind of management is necessary for the every day functioning of the business but does not bring about change or major innovation. To use a popular expression, it is good in â€Å"rearranging the deck chairs of the Titanic, but can’t keep the ship from sinking†.To increase personal impact, a person has to shift his/her mindset (and subsequently behaviour) towards influence oriented behaviour, relationship trust building skil ls, combined with caring to sustain a motivational environment, which inspires and empowers.The manager needs to shift his/her mindset radically, by perceiving his/her role as focusing on people, their dreams, development needs and emotions; rather than primarily managing tasks and planning. 2. Development of new (transformational) behaviour: A – Openness to feedback, via 360 degree feedback data A 360 degree feedback tool provides a structured approach to self discovery and a process of understanding yourself which creates awareness about your strengths and areas for development. B – Coaching subordinates Coaching and facilitating subordinates to develop their strengths and work on their development needs enables both the acceptance and understanding of feedback as well as the commitment and relevant action plan steps and practicing of new behaviours.Coaching can be done in one to one sessions, in teams or with peers. It is essential to work on real life/business situations and how to translate theory into manageable relevant action steps.Developing openness to feedback and coaching skills  and behaviours can build confidence, openness and ability for the participant to deal positively with the challenges to exercise new behaviours like motivating and coaching others. C – The understanding, commitment and endorsement of the top management to the objective of a transformational leadership process The implementation of TL via training programmes will not be effective unless part of its objectives and design principles are coherent with what TL is really about. The commitment of all stakeholders is necessary for the success of the training programs (trainers, participants (managers), their bosses, senior management, CEO of the firm) and is a critical success factor to make TL work!Senior management will need to facilitate and nurture a culture of transformational leadership, and to be ready to become mentors who will assist the new managers to develop their own self-confidence to lead change, their own skills set as well as develop the self-concept that allows the transformation from a manager to a leader. 3. Three fundamentals for the design of a transformation process: A – Start by stopping to work with purely cognitive models of change It’s a process and not a 2-day course! And a successful process will not be mastered only on a cognitive level; it has to be exercised on a behavioural level too. Therefore it needs a safe space for learning, reflecting and experimenting. To develop TL means that intentional effort must be made to adopt a transformational style.The process of the self transformation and a learning journey for middle managers mostly starts with understanding ones own personal visions, values and how to manage the developmental process. B – Behaviour change takes more than a good theory and good explanations It needs self awareness and behaviour change interventions. In particular, it needs self directed learning and motivation to challenge oneself in a field which is mostly new for most middle managers with a technical background.The transition for a transactional manager into a transformational leader requires time to learn a new skill set, demonstrate new behaviours and embrace a new mindset. The appropriate understanding of how to apply TL is not about some things you do with your employees, it is the positive stimulating relationship with your employee. C – Include a systematic approach of Monitoring Either include existing instruments for measuring the impact of TL or they can be developed – tailor made – to the specific needs of the organisation. The evaluation methods and  tools provide information about individual and organisational processes as well as the impact on business results. Conclusions * Create an integrated and flexible process design * Build positive dynamic for middle management

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Exploring An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge

Exploring An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge The short story An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge has received more critical attention than any other single work written by Ambrose Bierce. This is most likely because of the way the story combines into one text the best components distributed among much of Bierces fiction such as narrative, plot, imagery, the exposure of human-deception, and a surprise ending (Stoicheff 1). In An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge, Bierce differentiates between internal and external worlds and illustrates that the mind can create its own realities and escapes. He does not tell the reader that Farquhar is hallucinating, but instead expects the reader to evaluate the story and realize the impossibility of events described in the final events of the story. With such literary techniques, Bierce opposed many of the literary trends of his day in both his journalism and his fiction. He believed any view of life which ignored the unconscious processes of mind could not call itself realistic (Davidson 2). Bierc es works reflect his obsession with ironic, unnecessary, and strange death, as well as his cynical, disillusioned attitude on the meaninglessness of life (Habibi 2). He detested war and saw firsthand the absurdity and insanity of it. This emerges as a connecting theme in several of his writings. His protagonists are usually antiheroes and they make conscious decisions based on flawed thinking, which ultimately lead to tragic predicaments (Habibi 2-3). Bierce is known for his use of literary elements and skillfully uses third person narrative, a quickly paced plot, realistic detail, and blends fantasy and reality to lead the reader into believing in Farquhars escape. Therefore, the reader is unable to interpret Farquhars true fate until the very end of the story. Bierce cleverly chooses to write this story in third person narrative. By using third person narrative, the author is able to do a variety of different things to capture the readers attention and keep them guessing. He most likely chooses this course of action to convey to the reader the main characters feelings and emotions and to conceal his death. This perspective, often called limited omniscience, tells the story from an observers standpoint (Samide 1). By definition, this narrator knows all things important in the story, even a characters own thoughts. Therefore, the reader is able to get a more in depth look into how the main character is feeling, as well as tell the reader the outward world of the story (Samide 1). In this story, the author chooses to focus on the mind of only one main character, Farquhar, and enters it extensively throughout the course of the story. At any given time, the narrator may also move in and out of the chosen characters mind and thoughts, or inform the reader about what is happening in the outer world of the story. Because the author chooses this point of view, it is difficult for the reader to know Farquhars escape is unreal until the last line of the story, when the narrator emerges from his mind to tell the reader Farquhar is dead (Samide 1). Bierce skillfully forces the reader to believe in Farquhars hallucinated escape and therefore, is able to surprise the reader with Farquhars death. It enables Bierce to take the reader inside Farquhars mind to demonstrate how emotional confusion alters not only the way the mind interprets the reality of a situation, but also the way it perceives the passage of time. Bierce also uses a rapidly paced plot to keep the reader from figuring out the surprise ending. He quickly paces the plot in order to distract the reader from closely examining Farquhars unlikely escapes from death. Before the reader has time to consider the likelihood of a broken neck from the rope or some other injury, Bierce has Farquhar struggling not to drown. He sinks deep into the water, his hands still tied together and the noose still wrapped around his neck. So instead of thinking about his broken neck or suffering from another injury, the reader focuses on his new problem of drowning. Then, somehow, Farquhar is able to free his hands from the rope and slips off the noose. But again, the reader is relieved that Farquhar escapes drowning that he does not fully examine the likeliness of this escape. Then, Farquhar bursts to the surface of the water for air and must start dodging bullets, diverting the readers attention once more from the previous escapes from the ropes and dr owning (Samide 3). Therefore, by using a rapid paced plot, Bierce is able to distract the reader from examining the likeliness of the escapes by creating new diversions, making it more believable for the reader. Another literary device Bierce uses in An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge is the element of imagery. Bierce relies heavily upon imagery throughout the story, centering on sight and sounds to make his tale more convincing. Bierce goes to great lengths to describe the opening sequence in terms of its military arrangement. He provides vivid images of group formations and soldier stances such as a single company of infantry in line, the barrels inclining backward against the right shoulder, the hands crossed upon the stock, at parade rest the butts of the rifles on the ground (Bierce 72). These descriptions show Bierces past military experience in various wars and battles, giving the story a sense of realism. Also by using such realistic details, Bierce is able to make Farquhars escape more believable to the reader. After the first round of shots from the soldiers, when he hears the captain give orders to fire, Farquhar dives deep into the water. Some of the bullets, still warm from the g uns, spiral down into the water beside him (Samide 3). One lodged between his collar and neck; it was uncomfortably warm and he snatched it out. (Bierce 75) These few examples of realism lead the reader to believe that Farquhar is really escaping. When he comes to the surface again, the current has taken Farquhar out of shooting range of personal weapons, but he must now worry about the cannon being used. The first shot misses, but sprays him with water. The second shot is a much better shot that will surely hit him, but suddenly, the current whirls him around a bend in the river and throws him up on the bank, out of aim of the cannon (Samide 3). While the rapid series of dangers has caused the reader to consider the probability of each escape, the authors use of imagery and realistic detail convinces the reader that he is out of danger and is now on his way to finishing his escape by losing himself in the dense forest and getting back home to his wife and family (Samide 3). The res t of the story goes on to describe Farquhars long trip home. He continues on his journey through the forest and finally arrives to the gate of his own home. He sees his wife and she holds out her hands in joyous welcome. As Farquhar reaches out to embrace her, he feels a stunning blow to his neck, sees a blinding white light, hears a sounds like the shock of a cannon-then all is darkness and silence (Bierce76). At this point in the story, the limited narrator moves out of Farquhars mind and returns to the objective world on the bridge, revealing to the reader the shocking last line and revelation that, all along, the escape was Farquhars hallucination (Samide 3-4). Peyton Farquhar was dead; his body, with a broken neck, swung gently from side to side beneath the timbers of the Owl Creek Bridge. (Bierce 76) One of the literary elements Bierce uses that he is most known for is his blending of fantasy and reality. Bierce mixes the external world of death with Farquhars internal world, resulting in the success of his hallucination. Farquhar, in his mind, is imagining his incredible escape when he is actually dying. Bierce skillfully uses metaphors and similes in order to secretly describe the true fate of Farquhar. For example, Bierce uses the pendulum not only as a significant metaphor for time, but also as a simile for Farquhars body, which swung gently from side to side beneath the timbers of the Owl Creek Bridge (Bierce 76). Farquhar is conscious of motionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ of a vast pendulum because his body literally traces, and therefore senses it. Similar intrusions of other objective stimuli into Farquhars experience occur throughout the rest of the story. The sharp report of the firing gun, its slightly later dulled thunder, and the alleged explosion of the cannon that was cracking and smashing the branches in the forest beyond are all Farquhars hallucinated revision of the sound of his own neck breaking. Bierce successfully emphasizes the association, describing the literal event of Farquhars neck breaking as occurring with sound like the shock of a cannon. Farquhars sensation of rising rising toward the surface of the water is the dreamers understanding of the slight bounce the body experiences after reaching the extremity of its flexible rope; the feeling of almost drowning in the creek modifies the fact of strangulation itself; the horribly aching neck and the uncomfortably warm bullet impossibly lodged between his collar and his neck under the water reinterpret the pain of hanging; the counter-swirl that spins him around in the current refers to the twisting at the end of the rope; the projecting point which concealed him from his enemies transforms the bridge now above him; the sensation of his own tongue thrusting forward from between his teeth into the cold air registers its grotesque protrusion during strangulation; the inability to feel the roadway beneath his feet is a similarly accurate feeling, dutifully revised into an understandable fatigue, thirst and numbness near the end of his narrative of escape (Stoicheff 3). Thus, a key element in the story is the distention of time and the blending of fantasy and reality. The reader is left with a range of reactions: the element of surprise, the promise and loss of hope, the tragedy of death, the ultimate coherence of objective reality, and acknowledgment of Bierces carefully constructed deception (Habibi 1). Bierce skillfully blends the third person point of view that conceals Farquhars death until the very end, a rapidly paced plot of narrow escapes from death that distract the reader, concrete details that make the final escape seem real, and the technique of blending fantasy and reality (Samide 4). Bierces usage of narrative, plot, imagery, and blending of fantasy and reality make it hard for the reader to detect Farquhars true fate until the final line of the story. In An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge, Bierce distinguishes between the internal and external worlds of Farquhar and shows the reader that the mind can create its own realities and its own escapes. He expects the reader to evaluate the story and realize on his own the impossibility of events described in the final events of the story (Davidson 2). Bierce purposely uses these elements of fiction in order to create a suspenseful ending that connects with the central theme of the human need to escape death. Work Cited Welty Bierce, Ambrose. An Occurrence at Owl Creek. Literature: An Introduction to Reading and Writing. 9th ed. Ed. Edgar V. Roberts. New York: Pearson Longman, 2009, 71-76. Samide, Daniel E. Anatomy of a Classic: Ambrose Bierce Cleverly Used Some Key Literary Tools in Crafting His Civil War Tale An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge. The Writer May 2005:42. Literature Resources from Gale. Web. 5 Apr. 2010. Habibi, Don Asher. The experience of a lifetime: philosophical reflections on a narrative device of Ambrose Bierce. Studies in the Humanities 29.2 (2002): 83+. Academic OneFile. Web. 11 Apr. 2010. Davidson, Cathy N. Ambrose (Gwinett) Bierce. American Short-Story Writers Before 1880. Ed. Bobby Ellen Kimbel and William E. Grant. Detroit: Gale Research, 1988. Dictionary of Literary Biography Vol. 74. Literature Resources from Gale. Web. 10 Apr. 2010. Stoicheff, Peter. Something Uncanny: The Dream Structure in Ambrose Bierces An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge. Studies in Short Fiction 30.3 (Summer 1993): 349-357. Joseph Palmisano. Vol. 72. Detroit: Gale, 2004. Literature Resources from Gale. Web. 10 Apr. 2010.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Relationship Between Architecture and Politics

Relationship Between Architecture and Politics Architecture is not only classified as describing the elegant and formal preferences of an architect, but it can also reveal the hopes, power struggle and the elements culture of the society. Although nowadays architecture tend to orbit around themes that represents neutrality in order to represent a healthier theme or image for the city without supporting any political regime ,it can be certainly maintained that using architecture as a major tool to symbolize power and authority for a society such as Nazi Germany and Rome power is a required and preferred tool in order to keep the legacy of the society or area alive as time passes by as the built environment is a text whose every word reveals a nation’s vicissitudes. As insofar the building that was only said to be a work or architectural earth can serve a purpose of being a visual metaphor, announcing something in its own way about the power, existence, strength, protectiveness and structure of the institution it represents. Firstly, architecture supports the system with a structural model which is used by the society to conceptualize the world which makes it connected with political power as said by Mitchell kapor â€Å"Architecture is politics†. Hence there is a structural relationship between the social and political sides, architecture reveals the power that is embodied in it and specifically the monumental architecture that is formed by the political powers. These monuments shows the power of the individuals accountable for their formation and they describe the nature of that power. For example, using axial architecture symbolizes consistently more to power which control the community as it directs people to that seat or that specific power. Whereas ,Non-axial architecture always maintain the equality of constituent parts and puts the choices always between people’s hands rather than the mastery of certain goal. Moreover non axial architecture is regularly connected to political power as mandate from the masses. Architecture that symbolizes top-down distribution of power is the opposite of an architecture that demonstrates control vested by the community as shown even in prisons as the warden’s power is over the inmate which shows the supreme edge of social control. As architecture can control the way we understand the world, looking at architectural history the relation between the monumental architecture and political power can consistently be seen. Architecture gives us the choice to visualize mentally and support societies to create systems that shows their social and cultural traditions and practices. Hence, leaders use it to express the way that they understand reality in and express how they crave to be seen by the people and enforce their opinion and view and carry their power over the populace. However, Nazi’s and Romans leaders in Germany and Rome in the old centuries used architecture in a way to exude power and domination in order to keep their legacy as a society with power and wealth in the world, hence their buildings had an enormous effect on the way architects designed their buildings in the western side of the world and still continues till this day. Nowadays along the western world the effect of Roman power is still manifest which shows how using architecture as a society power tool can be effective and is needed by the world, and many European cities still have souvenirs that remind them of the ancient Rome. Architecture played an essential role in bringing together the empire and was vital to the success of Rome as both formal architecture like temples and basilicas for example bridges and aqueducts had a major role in representing Rome power. Communication across the far flung was supported by the construction of the roads with their bridges. Moreover, clean and hygiened water was provided to the people in city by aquedects. Whereas, the basilica fulfilled administrative functions which was showed in American cities in town halls or court houses and other buildings also served roman power weather directly or indirectly. The basilicas had various characteristics and components such as a projection which the Romans called apse which acted as the seat of the magistrate accountable for dispensing the law and along with it comes a scene or an image of the emperor which is the source of the law. Then above the image is a curvy semi -circular line which acts as an echo in the form of the apse. The basilica in Roman city carried the concept of Roman authority for the people of the Roman Empire. The association with person was a prima explanation for the use of the basilica soft as the typical become of the Christian church from the abstraction of the Emperor Metropolis. The organization of the space and disposition of the buildings in the second century formed almost a symbolic map of Roman power which the study of this early second century building complex show us. To summarize the Roman architecture, the basilica with its apses points and symbolized to Roman law power; the authority of classical culture and literature is shown by its formal libraries; and the religion is reflected to the public life of the people by the temples. Also Trajan which is the Roman military leader and has images at the center of the city in the imperial axis has ordered the built of the markets on the adjacent hill which states an obvious statement about the emperor being the provider for the Roman populace. Reminders of the culture and traditions of the Roman Empire are still there throughout the western world cities. Most Leaders want to give intimidation and control through their built environment and visual testament to their strength and control to the people and the nation .Examples can be seen all around the world. In Paris after Napoleon became the king of the empire in 1804, he wanted Paris to become the new Rome so you can find various similarities in their buildings. The Arc de Triumphed, started to be built by Napoleon in 1806 but not finished until 1836, is the extremely famous example of the French taking of Roman formulas In Vendome in Paris, the leader Napoleon ordered the built of a monumental free-standing column that was clearly based and similar in structure to the column of Ttrajan from the early second century.A bronze statue is on the top of the vendomne column and has a costume that looks like a Roman, like Trajan on his column. The service of the Madeleine. The designer Pierre-Alexandre Vignon plain supported his construction on the distinct strain of the Italian Temple. Secondly, Nazi’s and Hitler also used architecture in a way to threaten and intimidate the people and go forward in the power of their state. It is shown clearly in their projects as some element like stark facades, columns, pilasters, and clean lines is used in a massive scale by the project’s architects such as Albert Speer, Hermann Giesler, and Fritz Todt to form a new aesthetic and demonstrate power, control and domination. Moreover, the building’s sizes gave a huge effect and showed clearly the wealth and power of the Germans to anyone who ventured their buildings. Hence, the city of Berlin was to be the city of the Nazis corp, and as such, required to bonk and resemble the noesis, ascendancy, and caliber of the Fascist circle. Invoking images of the Catholicism Empire, the remade Berlin would be titled Germania, the old European plant for Deutschland. Domination of the world was the aim of Berlin so it required more monuments. So to ceremonialize the power of the German state a plan and models to create a city with an enormous number of public building were made by the architects responsible of the project. Many buildings are still surviving till nowadays although the Berlin plan did not fully succeed that represent the rare trend of the regime. The style of intimidaton architecture was the main style used by the germans while building and designing their buildings. Other buildings not representative of the Nazi vogue all the same reference Nazi aims by glorifying both the past of Teutonic and the culture of the rural as well. Always, Nazi architects worked to confirm that their buildings served the needs of the regime. Influenced by classical Hellenic Republic and Rome, they cultivated ANaesthetic of order, victimization lowest decoration and action straight lines. From the baroque era, they realised the facility of buildings as expressions of wealth and power, and they tried to include that expression into their buildings. Nazi desi gn served the state by actioning its values, demonstrating its power, and making edifices capable of lasting for hundreds of years. The Nazis tried to regulate each facet of Germans lives; design contend a key role during this. The order and plainness of Nazi facades mirrored the order perfect by Nazi theorists. Places designed for mass community experiences designed unity round the party. Buildings reflective rural and Teutonic pasts emphasised the Nazis glorification of these times. Constant aspects of Nazi buildings supposed to impress foreign diplomats served double duty by expressing the strength of the National Socialist German Workers Party to everybody United Nations agency lapsed. Adolf Hitler and Speer had faith that that design had the power to deeply infuence peopless thoughts and actions. In their neurotic plans for Germania, they showed expressly that design was a tool of the state. itdbeaccustomedpromote ideology, even at the expense of livability.Adolf Hitlerwishedbuildings to be the word in stone, durable, a clear representations of the Nazi ideals. Same all the antithetic varieties of art throug hout the Socialism programme, Structure was a puppet of both the state and the commonwealth as well as John Ruskin the English writer said â€Å"Architecture is the work of nations†. This shows that architecture can be used in a spectacular multiple of ways to provide the nation, culture and society its own characteristic and charisma. A major distinction between the classical state design of Third Reich|Reich} and classical design in alternative trendy countries in Europe and America is that in Germany it absolutely was however one aspect of a severely authoritarian state. Its dictatorly aimed to determine study order; grid iron city plans, axial symmetry, hierarchic placement of state structure among urban house on a scale meant to strengthen the interpersonal and governmental rule wanted by the Nazi propose, that anticipated the displacement of religious belief and moral values by a brand new quite worship supported the cult of Nazi martyrs and leaders and with a worth system near that of pre-Christian Rome In Mein Kampf, Germanic Nazi states that industrialised Teutonic cities of his day lacked high open monuments and a halfway accent for territory spirit. In fact, criticism of the fast manufacture of German cities once 1870 had already been voiced. The ideal Nazi town wasnt to be over large, since it had been to replicate pre-industrial values and its state monuments, the product and symbols of collective effort, were to lean most prominence by being centrally set within the new and reshaped cities of the enlarged Composer. Nazis comments in Mein Kampf indicated that he saw buildings such like the coliseum and also the Circus Maximus As symbols of the political would possibly and power of the Roman individuals. Potentate explicit, Architecture isnt solely the word in stone, however is also the expression of the religion and conviction of a community, alternatively it signifies the ability, greatness and laurels of an fantabulous man or individual. In Potentates cultural direction, The  Buildings of the Reich, delivered in Sep 1937 , in Nuremberg, he thoroughbred that the new buildings of the Reich were to bolster the authority of the National Socialist German Workers Party and also the state and at identical time give gigantic proof of the community. The subject proof of this authority may already be seen in Nuremberg, metropolis and Berlin and would become still a lot of evident once a lot of plans had been place into result. Hitler himself was as a girlish man was initially impresssed with the extremely formed, ornate, neo-Baroque vogue open in various Habsburg-era people buildings. Flat then, he matte that the key qualification for a morality public business was that it verbalised the capability of its somebody. These buildings, with their immoderate volume of pilasters, porticos, columns, arches, and pediments, manifested the wealth and nation of the German and royalty states. Whereas these highly-decorated buildings square measure markedly totally different from those designed throughout Hitlers reign, they possess symmetry, a proper part of style that each designer and Der Fuhrer believed was essential to making order. The impressive Berlinerdom exudes any wealth, with palm in apiece character and carrefour. In block with Der Fuhrer, the cathedral, cerebration too tiny, was fittingly impressive. The nightlong arcades of the New Hofsburg and thus the deposit of Penalty Study, apiece in grapheme of Oes terreich, breathe at the lordly and colonnades entrances open in buildings subsequent in experience, peculiarly Designers New Reich authority’s structure. The New Hofsburg, Vienna Furthermore, Hitler, as a trained creator, was well-versed within the history of design. Within the Nazis seek associate orderly aesthetic, a lot ofattention was paid to the classical buildings of Balkan countryand Rome. It’s straightforward to examine the similarities between Albert Speers Zeppelintribune, shown higher than right, and therefore the Pergamon Altar of Zeus housed within the Berlin Pergamon museum: In fact, Albert Speer himself explicit that the apsis supported this Pergamon monument. There also are noticeable similarities between the coliseumin Rome and therefore the Olympiastadion in Berlin. Specially, the 2 buildings assets a layered grouping of pillars and arches. Notwithstanding, the sports bowl differs from the coliseum in its demand of curves or broadsheet arches. Olympiastadions outside is regressive, and depends on rectangles formed from healthy crosswise and straight lines to actualize its spic, organized lead. Further, the sports bowl exterior is scanty: theres no ornamentation of any good, only lines. These preferences for healthy lines and kosher exteriors are a regular boast of Socialism buildings, especially those organized by Designer, and businessman them as definite from the neoclassical structures that influenced them, Classic buildings were heavily with statues. Fascist buildings are placing for his or her nearly tot lack of honour. The coliseum in Rome Olympiastadion in Berlin To conclude, although after the mid century and the beginning of the 19th century urban architects and societies began to change their concepts and preferred to use architecture and design buildings in a way to make cities healthier and help in reducing crimes and deduct problems. Moreover architects had an aim to improve the attitude of the people and society and they wanted to use architecture to reduce poverty,crimes, and prevent revolutions .However, architecture can be used in both ways but I certainly agree that if architecture is used as a participatory tool to represent power and strength for certain society it would play a major role in changing history and effect vitally the culture of the world as Frank Lloyd the american architect said â€Å"The mother art is architecture. Without an architecture of our own we have no soul of our own civilization†. Also architecture in that way leaves legacies behind them that coming generations can look up to and that is why archi tects and leaders that time tried their best to serve strenghtfull testament through their designs and buildings.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Effective Time Management - The Foundation of Success Essay -- Time Ma

Effective Time Management - The Foundation of Success   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Upon returning to college, the mature student (any student over the age of 24) soon realizes that their ability to manage time effectively directly impacts their learning experience and their family life. Unlike traditional students, the mature student may have a spouse, children and a full-time job that is necessary for them to survive financially. Adults with families will readily agree that their family alone places serious demands on their time. When adding the responsibility of school, it becomes even more difficult to make time for family, work and personal time. Enough time needs to be spent on these three major facets of life. Too much time spent in one area usually means to little time spent in another, which usually leads to stress. Time management professionals say that stress is usually the result of poor time management. Effective time management has to be the foundation of any successful and productive life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are 1,440 minutes in a day. If one is employed full-time, then about nine hours (540 minutes) of the day is spent at the office and commuting. The time left in the evening for family and self is very limited. Some companies allow their employees to telecommute, in which the company’s network is accessed from the employees’ home, usually via a high-speed or broadband connection. Telecommuting increases available time for family and self by eliminating the employee’s commute. Along with telecommuting, some companies offer Flex-Time. Flex-Time allows the work schedule to be configured differently from the typical Monday through Friday, 9am-to-5pm workweek. One will still work a total of 40 hours that week only one day may be shorter than the rest. Flex-Time is basically a flexible work schedule. Flex-time and telecommuting are examples of Flexible Work Options (FWO). FWOs allow employees the opportunity to find time for their families and s elves by introducing a time management element that â€Å"bends†.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Along with the changing nature of office-hours via telecommuting and Flex-Time, there is a need for employees to be more efficient at work. Companies are implementing the â€Å"virtual office† which partly entails telecommuting but with the main focus being a more efficient, yet mobile workforce. With the virtual office, traditional office setups such as permanent workspac... ...s to get these things done and back to the office in one hour: pick up cash for sitter tonight, pick up three birthday gifts, buy her daughter a notebook, pens and a new backpack for school tomorrow, eat, get oil changed and pick up son’s asthma prescription. Well, Super Jane is at it again, she headed to the grocery store/pharmacy and picked up her son’s prescription, three gift cards for various stores to be given as birthday gifts, a salad and enough money for the baby-sitter to take her daughter to the store tonight to get her pens, notebook and new backpack. Now, off to Jiffy Lube where she will eat her salad while waiting for her oil to be changed. In summation, the benefits of time management can be life altering. As one finds ways to get more done with the time available to them, it can lead to an increase in overall self-confidence and a more positive outlook on life. Effective time management is also a very useful tool that can help to reduce stress in day-to-day life. If effective time management becomes a part of one’s life then he or she can find ways to juggle family, career, personal time and education. In essence, effective time management can lead to success.

Use of the Classical Tragic Mold in Shakespeares Macbeth :: Macbeth essays

Macbeth: The Use of the Classical Tragic Mold in Character Development In Shakespeare's tragedy, Macbeth, there are many characters. Only one character stands out, and his name is in the title of the play. Macbeth's character was made in the mold of the ancient Greek tragic hero. Besides being endowed by Shakespeare with an abundance and variety of potential traits and characteristics, Macbeth also follows the Classical Tragic Mold, which is presented with a hefty supply of hubris, and in this case, ambition. Because Macbeth follows the Classical Tragic Mold, he is a Classical Tragic Hero. The first step of the Classical Tragic Mold is recognizing the problem. The problem in Macbeth is not a true problem that presents itself outwardly. The problem for the character of Macbeth is deciding if he should listen to his ambition and kill Duncan. At first, he ponders reasons why not to kill his king. He at first thinks that he cannot kill him because of four reasons: Macbeth is Duncan's subject, Duncan is a good king, they are blood-related, and Macbeth is his host. These reasons dissuade Macbeth at first, but later Lady Macbeth convinces him, by questioning his manhood, to commit the dastardly crime. When he finally murders Duncan, the problem comes to closure. But, even long before then, the next step in the mold had begun: the descent into the abyss. The "decent into the abyss" is the second step in the Classical Tragic Mold. It is started with Macbeth's second soliloquy. This is after Macbeth hears from Duncan that Malcolm was to be named the Prince of Cumberland. "The Prince of Cumberland! That is a step on which I must fall down, or else o'erleap, for in my way it lies ... Let not light see my black and deep desires." (Shakespeare, 281). This quote from the soliloquy indicates that Macbeth has, indeed, told himself that he will commit the murder of Duncan, although he doesn't actually admit it until his wife pressures him to do so. With this decision, the reader (or audience) reads (or sees) that Macbeth is straying from the righteous path, and descending into the abyss, even though he is keeping his feelings to himself. His decision to murder Duncan tarnishes his "war hero" image and casts it in an ominous shadow. The third step in the mold has two parts and is known as Transformation and Transcendence. The character of Macbeth goes into Transformation during his fourth soliloquy. "...I have lived long enough. My way of life is fall'n into the sear..." (Shakespeare, 343).

Sunday, August 18, 2019

A Time To Kill Essay -- essays research papers

A Review and Commentary On:A Time to Kill By John GrishamA Time to Kill written by John Grisham is a book that presents the high racial tensions in Canton Mississippi in the early 1990’s. The book opens with two young men, James Lewis Willard and Billy Ray Cobb, joy riding in their brand new yellow pick up truck decked out with Confederate flags. They speed though black neighborhoods throwing full beer bottles at people and houses, until they come across ten-year-old Tonya Hailey walking home from the grocery store. The men pull over, trap her, rape her repeatedly, beat her, hang her, throw her off a bridge and leave her for dead. Her siblings find Tonya later that day, barely alive, her father, Carl Lee Hailey., and the black community are outraged. Tonya’s missing shoe is found in the back of the yellow pick up truck and both men are arrested for rape and attempted murder. Carl Lee confronts his lawyer, Jake Brigance , about similar cases where the white criminals wer e let off or given light sentences for similar charges, which enrages Carl Lee further. Carl Lee asks if Jake will stand by him in a jam, Jake promises he will. The next morning Carl Lee shoots the two men on the way to their arraignment, both men die and a cop is shot and loses his leg. Carl Lee is immediately arrested for the murder of the two men, as promised Jake stands by his side. Carl Lee confesses to the murders and admits he never had anything against the two men until they messed with his baby, he feels sorry for the men’s families, but not for what he has done. Jake and Carl Lee begin to discuss every aspect of the case immediately, they decide that Carl Lee with plea not guilty by reason of insanity. The District Attorney, Rufus Buckley, begins to discuss the importance of keeping the case in this county in order to have a better chance of an all white jury, Jake files a change of venue for the opposite reason. Meanwhile, members of the Cobb and Willard family see k out the Ku-Klux-Klan to get even with Carl Lee and Jake, they begin a Klan chapter in their county, which immediately begins to terrorize Jake and his family. The NAACP comes to Canton and offers Carl Lee a more experienced lawyer, the NAACP believes â€Å"Carl Lee’s acquittal for the killing of two white men will do more for the black people of Mississippi than any event since we integrated the schools. His conviction woul... ...ts the entire plot rolling. Finally, the entire courtroom chapters, from opening statements to the acquittal of Carl Lee, are truly important. Through out the scenes in the courtroom, the truth about racism in Canton and America is revealed. Carl Lee and Jake prove to the jury that Carl Lee being black, Tonya being black, and Cobb and Willard being white are the central issues in the case. The jury then finds the strength to pass judgment that was not based on race. Although A Time to Kill is based on a fictional story, it still presents many interesting and realistic scenarios. It is easy to imagine that the events in the book actually did happen or could happen in American today. The series of events that unfold easily invoke strong emotions in the reader, no matter where that reader stands as far as racial beliefs. The book represents a wide range of views on the situation, from the Ku Klux Klan, Jake, Carl Lee, the NAACP, Buckley, the Judge, the jury, Dept. Luny, and the gene ral population of Canton. The book presents everything from the extreme events to everyday actions. A Time To Kill is an outstanding book that deals with important issues and shows many simple realities.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Globalization Interconnectedness Past and Present Essay

We can go even a further back and argue that globalization, in the logic of a growth in interconnectedness between members of different states, is itself only a special case of something more universal. In medieval Europe most people for most-of the time stayed close to where they were born. They inspired mainly local goods and, primarily, produced either for themselves or for a very local market (Schlossberg H. 1992). Economies were mainly local. Trade over considerable distances took place on water either by sea or river, which accounts for the inconsistent number of towns and villages which were either by the sea or on rivers. Human beings seem to have had a steady urge to detach themselves from the area as much as the technology of the day permitted (J Gray 1992). Certainly there have always been big movements, sometimes of populations looking for better circumstances and of conquerors building empires. Under the Roman Empire, large parts of Europe were ‘globalizing’ in this sense and the degree of globalization declined with the Empire’s retreat. The medieval Church could be seen as several form of globalizing force but the degrees of interaction and interdependence were much reduced in the so-called Dark Ages (Thurow L 1996). Communications are also of significance in considering the ‘nationalization’ of different states. As communications enhanced (which before electronic communication meant, in fact, how fast people could travel), states had much more practical unity. This was mostly true of large states such as Canada and the United States where the railroad meant that people could travel between the major population centers, and numerous of the minor population centers, within two or three days as opposed to weeks. Markets then became national as an instant precursor to becoming international. These changes can all be measured parts of the same process (Herman E and McChesney R 1997). On this view, globalization is a trend which has been going on for centuries, which is undeniably continuing and might be accelerating. In this sense, the present period is not in itself novel. However, Scholte (1997) argues that there is more to globalization than this. For him globalization is not just communication on a global scale but deterritorialisation or superterritorialisation of numerous activities which formerly were tied to some terrain, not as a matter of an accident but as a matter of necessity. Thus, there is efficiently a global stock market. There are twenty-four hours trading in the world as a complete and traders in, say; the Tokyo markets keep a close eye on the London market on a real-time basis. There are differences. Tokyo is not just a postal (or e-mail) address of any implication but these differences are minor compared with the similarities or with the distinctions that existed even thirty years ago. It would most probably be possible to place all the worlds’ stock markets in a single place say on a South Sea island and it would make very little difference. It would perhaps make even less difference if this were to be done in twenty years’ time. (It might be a development. The traders might be so tempted by the sun and the good life that they would spend less time trading. Thus, trade less anxiously, and calm the often totally needless fluctuations in the various financial markets. ) On the other hand, certainly, all the traders could work from home. This is the point. The actual geographical location is trivial (Weiner E. 1992). Basically, Globalization is typically held to be inner to globalizing processes usually with the economic put up as the motor of globalization. This heaves questions not simply about the capability of the nation state to govern and the standing of national companies and economic interests but as well concerning what and who comprises civil society. As suggested by Robertson, the coexistence of nation state and civil society is busted by globalization. This offers the origin for an increase in the power of the market, but as well opens up diverse possibilities for globalize forms of sociality and practices, for what some term globalization from below (Robertson, R. 1992). Here, the connection between state and citizenship might be loosened with people playing a vigorous role in more global networks to address issues of communal concern. National governments become simply a partial focus is still influential for definite forms of popular involvement, as established by such groups as Greenpeace and definite humanitarian groups. Globalization consequently offers possibilities as well as intimidation to the extend of capitalist relations. On the one hand, for example, there is the feminization of labor where: †¦global assembly lines are ‘manned’ by women workers in free trade zones; subcontracted industrial home working is performed at kitchen tables by women who ‘have time on their hands’; home-based teleworking is carried out by women who can’t afford day-care costs and are grateful to have paid work (Manicom and Walters 1997:72). However, practices as well expand that convey together groups pretentious by economic reformation in new ways, such as trade unions support labor and community projects exterior their own national base. Likewise, information and communication technologies (ICTs) can be utilized by contradictory groupings. Affinity groups of ‘senior’ or retired citizens, feminist scholars, individuals who share knowledge on health afflictions, hobbyists, professionals, political organizations and many others are†¦using the Internet to educate, proselytise and organize, cutting across national boundaries with apparent ease. (Goodenow 1996:200) As notions of globalization both from below as well as from above help to reframe some of the varied potential within globalization, they as well present a explicit spatial association that seems to be set within specific binaries of above-below, power-resistance and domination liberation. In other words, this is an idea of globalization already included within specific politics, rather than, a reframing of the political and definitely a resistance to it. Conclusion Thus, to compete effectively, business organizations should develop a technology strategy. Moreover, as the concept of the globalization significantly extends this concept to government; not least by giving it an influential institutional framework, but does not significantly alter its function. The global economy does, though, stand in a different relation to the government since it is no longer neutral. It is still presented as apolitical, and is consequently still understood to be ‘economic’, but it has also become a normative and, certainly, normalizing, reality. The global economy functions in a different way with regard to the government; whilst movements in the world economy have long inclined economic policy within the government, the global economy presented as some new realism forces changes in national policy as a complete. This has the further significance, of forcing the government to distinguish between its proper function with regard to the global future and its function with regard to a sub-national, local past. Through the formation of the competition government, the homogeneity of the national economy though assumed in theory is cooperating in practice. The national private economy ceases to be believable as a homogenous unity and becomes a single but distinguished space. This has, certainly, always been the case, but the mobility of capital and the disintegration of the labor-intensive fordist production systems in the North has grinded the differences between regions of the similar government.